1. Contest is open to all babies ages 3 months to 18 months at the time of registration.
2. Application forms can be obtained at any Enfant branches and concessionaires. The form can also be downloaded from our website www.enfant.com.ph or www.enfanstore.com .
3. Minimum purchase of P2,000.00 (single or accumulated within the promo period) of any Enfant products except teethers, pacifiers, nipples and feeding bottles in any outlets qualifies your baby to join the contest.
4. Qualified registrants are required to submit the following requirements as part of the criteria for choosing a winner:
a. Duly accomplished registration form together with the photocopies or
original copies of the receipts of purchase.
b. Photocopy of NSO authenticated birth certificate of the registrant.
c. Letter of authorization from parents or legal guardian
(in case registrant is not the child’s parent / legal guardian).
d. A portfolio of 4 pieces of baby’s best photos in 8R prints
(close-up, half-body, full body, creative) including clear soft
copies of the pictures in .jpg format (5R size, 300dpi) either
on a CD or DVD. Please make sure that the CD or DVD can be read in
different computers.
e. Photos must include any Enfant product that your baby uses
may be apparel, strollers, toiletries, or any other items.
Photos without this requirement will not be included in the
portfolio of your baby except teethers, pacifiers, nipples and feeding bottles.
f. The entire portfolio of your baby will be posted in our
website for the voting portion of the contest.
g. Copyrighted photos or photos which have been published in
newspapers and magazines are not accepted.
5. Registrants are advised that ALL entries have duplicate copies with them before final submission. All submitted documents (i.e. photos and other supporting papers) shall become property of Enfant/Minton Multiresources, Inc.
6. Requirements must be submitted in any of our outlets’ drop box in a sealed brown envelope with the following information on the envelope:
a. Baby’s name
b. Parent’s name
c. Date submitted
d. Branch submitted
7. Entries can also be mailed directly to us:
c/o Enfant/Minton Multiresources, Inc.
2328 Severino Reyes St., Sta. Cruz,
Manila, Philippines
Attn: Shirley Avillanosa
Marketing Assistant
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